To Build a House in México, How Much Does it Cost?

Cost to Build a House in México

To build a house in Mexico, in 2022, costs between $150,000 USD and $300,000 USD (3 to 6 million mexican pesos) 

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We’re a Mexican architecture firm based in CDMX that specializes in designing and building  residential homes in México.

The following article will describe how much it would cost to build a house with us.

We are the best option to build your house in México

Why are we your best option?

 Personal and close treatment at all stages of the project

 Unlimited weekly reviews

 The project adapts to your budget

 Structural Safety

 Transparent open book budgets

 Your needs are the guiding axis on which the project is designed

  Guarantee for hidden defects at the end of the work

How Much Does an Architect Cost in México?

To find out how much an architect will cost, we are going to divide their fees into two stages:

  1. Design 
  2. Construction
First I’m going to explain how much is charged for the design, because both are charged differently.

How Much Does an Architect Charge to Design a House?

Esquema arquitectónico casas de adobe

We charge $35 USD per square meter for designTo make it clearer I will give an example:

Suppose you want to build a 200m² house in Mexico City and you want us to make the design for you, we would charge you $7,000 USD

There are other factors that could enter into the cost of the design such as if the project is more specialized or larger (e.g., the need for a master plan or for the design of exteriors and gardens).

But remember, we can only know how much it would cost to build your home once the design is finalized.  

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How Much Does an Architect Charge to Build a House in México?

castillos ahogados de vintex en departamentos de iztacalco

An architect in México charges 15% to 25% of the direct cost of the work. 

Let me explain in more detail:

The construction of a house generates costs of material, labor, and use of tools; the sum of these expenses is known as «direct cost«.

Suppose that the direct cost of building your house is $200,000 USD, in this case, the final cost you would have for the construction would be between $230,000 USD and $250,000 USD.

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Construction Cost per Square Meter in Mexico 2022

Casas de adobe

Construction costs per square meter in Mexico range from $500 to $1,400. This cost variation will depend on the range of finishes and the structural system that is needed for the construction. To explain, we will compare homes in 3 categories:

  • Economic House
  • Medium Average House
  • Deluxe House
The following prices are for 100% finished homes.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a House in Mexico According to its Category?

  • Economic House: from $500 to $700 USD per square meter
  • Medium Average House: from $700 to $1,000 USD per square meter
  • Luxury House: from $1,000 to $1,400 USD per square meter

How Much Does it Cost to Build a House in Mexico in Square Feet?

  • Economic House: from $50 to $70 USD per 1 square foot
  • Medium Average House: from $70 to $100 USD per 1 square foot
  • Luxury House: from $100 to $140 USD per 1 square foot

How we Determine Construction Prices in México?

We quantify all the materials that will be needed to build and the labor that will be needed.

We then search our database called neodata and to obtain the prices for each constructive element like: columns, floors, foundations, walls, roofs, etc.

We then calculate a total of the price for the construction and this total is divided by the number of square meters to be built.

Total Cost to Build a House in Mexico in 2022

For a residential house of 200m2 (2,000 sqft) the costs would be:

Total cost to build an economic house with us is: $160,000 USD (including project, government permits, and construction)

The cost to build a medium average house with us is: $220,000 USD (including project, government permits, and construction)

Total cost to build a luxury house in México with us is: $300,000 USD (including project, government permits, and construction)

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How much cost to hire an architect

To hire an architect

Construction prices in another cities of Mexico

We are currently making a list with prices in different cities, we will be adding the links, so here is the list:

How much does it cost to build in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca?

Buy and renovate a house in CDMX, is it a good idea?

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Taller GAMA Arquitectura
Product Name
House in méxico
USD 200 000
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